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Không nên chặn Google Bot thu thập file CSS và JS

Từ trước tới nay, chúng ta đều hiểu rằng Google Bot sẽ thu thập dữ liệu như một text browse, đó là nó sẽ bỏ qua CSS và Javascript có trong website mà chỉ nhận các dữ liệu chữ và các liên kết trong đó. Đây là một bất lợi cho các website nào đang sử dụng Javascript để tải nội dung như áp dụng kỹ thuật AJAX, sử dụng AngularJS,…
Không nên chặn Google Bot thu thập file CSS và JS

Tuy nhiên, mới đây Google đã chính thức cập nhật lại rằng Google Bot đã có thể nhận diện CSS và Javascript trong website và thực thi nó, nên nếu website bạn đang chặn các file này để Google Bot crawl thì có thể sẽ ảnh hưởng đến kết quả tìm kiếm.

Lấy ví dụ trong WordPress, nếu bạn chặn thư mục /wp-content/ ở file robots.txt thì điều này sẽ ảnh hưởng.

Vì vậy, có thể nói rằng nếu như bây giờ trong file robots.txt của bạn có khai báo chặn Google Bot truy cập vào thư mục chứa dữ liệu của các file CSS và JS trên theme thì hãy bỏ nó đi để bot có thể vào và thực thi các file trong đó để có thể crawl nội dung hoàn chỉnh hơn.

Sửa file robots.txt từ thế này:
User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /wp-content/themes
Disallow: /wp-content/plugins
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: *?replytocom
Disallow: */attachment/*
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /forum/
Thành thế này
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: *?replytocom
Disallow: */attachment/*
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /forum/ Sitemap:
Mặc dù có thể khó kiểm chứng được sự thay đổi này có mang lại lợi ích rõ ràng như thế nào hay không, nhưng một trong các thành công của chiến dịch SEO là hãy nên tôn trọng và áp dụng các quy tắc mà Google đưa ra để website có thể thân thiện với SEO hơn.

WPNode – Host miễn phí cho WordPress sử dụng NGINX

Mới đây, mình vừa tìm ra một dự án host dành riêng cho website sử dụng WordPress với các cấu hình rất tốt và tốc độ rất nhanh mang tên WPNode. WPNode sử dụng webserver là NGINX, có cài đặt thêm Roundcube, Memcached để hỗ trợ tăng tốc website. Điều đặc biệt hơn là gói miễn phí vĩnh viễn của WPNode không có bất cứ yêu cầu nào như treo quảng cáo này nọ. Dĩ nhiên đã sử dụng NGINX và cấu hình tối ưu thì nó không hỗ trợ control panel như cPanelX hay DirectAdmin mà bạn chỉ thao tác qua sFTP và phpMyAdmin.

WPNode – Host miễn phí cho WordPress sử dụng NGINX

Gói host này mình không khuyến khích sử dụng cho người mới. Chỉ nên đăng ký khi bạn biết nó là gì để tránh Việt Nam bị cho vào blacklist.

Giới thiệu gói host miễn phí của WPNode
  • Webserver NGINX
  • MySQL Server
  • Chạy trên hệ điều hành Ubuntu vì nó sử dụng EasyEngine script vốn dành cho Ubuntu. Mình sẽ có hướng dẫn bạn sử dụng script này sau.
  • Hỗ trợ 5GB dung lượng
  • 1GB dung lượng Email
  • Không giới hạn băng thông
  • Không giới hạn website sử dụng
  • Cài đặt sẵn W3 Total Cache và cấu hình tối ưu

Lưu ý:
  • Không có control panel hoặc bất cứ giao diện UI nào
  • Không có SSH
Nhìn chung, với một website nhỏ và vừa thì thông số trên đủ để chạy rồi, thậm chí còn dư. Tuy nhiên mình cũng khuyến khích thêm rằng với các dự án thế này, bạn chỉ nên sử dụng cho các website nhỏ hoặc ít nhất là không phải website chính của bạn.
Hướng dẫn đăng ký WPNode

WPNode không hỗ trợ đăng ký tự động nên nếu bạn muốn sử dụng, bạn sẽ đăng ký bằng cách gửi yêu cầu đến họ, dĩ nhiên là gửi bằng tiếng Anh. Ở nội dung email, bạn sẽ cần nêu ra lý do sử dụng, domain cần sử dụng, tên username cần đặt và một số yêu cầu khác nếu cần (máy chủ).

Để đăng ký, bạn cần truy cập vào rồi nhập tên, email và nội dung yêu cầu. Hãy nhớ trình bày lý do mà bạn cần sử dụng nhé và nhớ đọc nội dung bên tay trái để biết bạn cần viết gì vào nội dung.

Hướng dẫn đăng ký Email Yahoo Tips Tricks

If you don’t want to be one of those blogs that disappear after a few months or a couple of years, don’t create a blog that is a hodgepodge of everything under the sun and moon. The hodgepodge specialization has already been taken over by social media and several news outfits’ websites. It is important to find a niche you will be very interested to pursue and can see yourself doing almost forever. Anyway, if there are things you really want to include in your blog that are not directly under the niche or subject of your blog, nobody will stop you from including it. You can find creative ways to insert indirectly related items in your blog if you really feel the urge to write about them; it should simply not be your blog’s primary foundation.
You have to consider narrowing down your subject and niche to become more searchable. Keywords can’t point search results to your blog if your blog is too broad and doesn’t relate to the kinds of content being featured. You can’t just ignore the potential traffic you can derive from search engines. While you can market your posts through social media, you can expect better sustainability or longevity for your blog if you earn the favor of search engines and give readers what they’re searching for. The Knack For Writing Interesting Posts This one isn’t easy to explain but it can be broadly demonstrated by this idea: what you find interesting is probably something your readers will also find interesting. It is advisable to write posts that are “evergreen” or those that don’t get old, those that readers will still find interesting the years to come. However, you can’t also ignore trending topics or those related to news and current affairs. You can determine what really interests your readers through a “trial and error” approach. Take note of your traffic (most blogging platforms provide the tools for you to see the traffic for each post you publish). Good Design or Presentation

Yes, content is king but this does not mean that you can disregard design and user experience since they play a key role in how readers engage your content. Studies show that 68% of website visitors will immediately leave a page that has poor design and lacks a focus on user experience. These days, design and visuals matter significantly. Unless you are offering exclusive vital content that nobody would like to miss, you simply can’t put out a blog with bad design. It should be intuitive and optimized for fast-loading. The ads, if there are any, should not be intrusive. Moreover, it will be helpful to adopt a responsive web design to make sure that your blog looks good and easy to navigate regardless the device used to view it. Timeliness & Regular Posting Blogging requires effort. Unless you are someone whose reputation deserves a faithful followership, you can’t afford to write only whenever you feel like writing. You have to keep your posts updated. There should be new content on your blog ever so often, depending on your chosen subject. If your blog is about current affairs or interesting new things, as much as possible there should be new content everyday. If your blog features your original fiction stories, for example, a few posts per week would probably suffice as you build anticipation among your readers.

There is no strict rule on how often your blog should be updated. It all depends on your target audience and the subject of your blog. If you are blogging about news or current affairs items, obviously, you have to write daily updates as much as possible since your readers would expect to see something new everyday – just look at a site like Mashable. Many regular readers would even be checking for updates several times in each day. If your blog is trying to impart knowledge and insights, or if the nature of your content tends to be “evergreen,” a few posts per week will suffice. Reliable Web Hosting

The importance of maintaining a blog with as little downtime as possible is a no-brainer but it unfortunately occurs for many. Don’t let a lousy web host ruin your blogging momentum and turn your readers off. A blog that suddenly goes offline because of bandwidth limits isn’t going to attract more readers and is actually a turn-off. Pick a web host that can offer unlimited bandwidth. There are a few you can find - Hostt is one example of an affordable yet powerful solution. Or if you have no budget to spare for web host fees, you can simply rely on the free web hosting that comes with every free Blogspot(Blogger) or WordPress account. A paid customized domain and service is typically the best approach if you want a professional profile to begin with.

Marketing You have to think of your blog as a product. To be sold or to reach its intended audience, it has to be marketed in a smart and diligent manner. Don’t expect it to suddenly become popular by simply writing the content. If you are really serious about creating success for your blog, you’ll definitely need to employ a well laid out digital marketing strategy that is executed as a serious corporation would. If you want to do it “DIY” style, there are many marketing methods you can explore. The foremost of which is social media marketing; especially since they’re so powerful for driving traffic to sites in general as is the case with Facebook. Even the most well-written and substantial blogs get ignored because they are not being marketed well enough and fail at proactively reaching out to their respective communities.

If you execute these seven blogging essentials consistently, your success in getting regular readers and earning meaningful revenue from your blog can increase dramatically. At the very least, try experimenting with a few of the ideas discussed and in time you’ll be certain to start seeing great results.

Have you noticed the recent uptick in bloggers hosting webinars?

It seems like everywhere you turn, bloggers are holding these live gatherings of information dissemination to either sell a product or offer exclusive methodologies. If you’ve ever been an attendee to one of these events, you have probably noticed that a significant portion of what’s presented isn’t entirely difficult to find, but that still doesn’t seem to take away from their popularity.
The swing toward live events isn’t a coincidence by any means, webinars have proven to be incredibly effective for a number of reasons, but they should obviously be planned in advance for full effect. Suites like those offered at ClickWebinar can make a huge difference to conversion rates and word of mouth.

However, whatever your option you go with, the following reasons alone are worth looking into anyonline seminar program available. What’s really important is that you get down to some live business and grow your community.

Prove Expertise

Whether you’re a lawyer or simply writing about a hobby, you blog because you feel like you have something worth saying that’s of value to your readership. However, in comparison to blog entries, a webinar puts you in the hot seat, which, in turn, shows attendees just how much of an expert you are on your chosen topic. Where other bloggers can put in research and go so far as to hijack information from your writing, they can’t compete with a live display of knowledge. As word gets out that you know your material, more people will see you as a source which means a growth in general blog traffic as well as larger attendance for future webinars. Sales Boosts

If you monetize your blog through affiliate programs or sales pages, their sub 10 percent standard conversion rate might be enough to put some cash in your pocket. However, a webinars have shown to yield much higher rates, sometimes offering as much as 30 percent.

Even if your webinar isn’t centered around sales whatsoever, dropping an affiliate link with an honest recommendation to a product is worthwhile. By endorsing said product after, or during, a display of your raw knowledgebase, attendees will be much more likely to take your considerations into account and further your sales as a whole. This goes back to you proving your expertise – if you know what you’re talking about, people will listen and they will pay for your insights.

Catch and Keep Attention
Where text often fails is in keeping readers’ attention. Even return visitors will often just skim through a written post looking for highlights to quickly digest. On the other hand, webinars mean people have to pay attention to find the nuggets of information they so desire. In the meantime, viewers will develop a much more personal relationship with the host. This directly helps grow your community in that people are willing to promote, via links and suggestions, someone they feel they have a repertoire with.

You see, holding webinars isn’t just about making sales and proving expertise. They’re also very much about showing the world that there’s a real human being behind a site’s blog posts. It’s a leg up that SEO- and social-heavy sites can’t compete with, and webinars are something you should be taking full advantage of.

Porta Parturient Sit Puru Demo Post

Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean eu leo quam.
Porta Parturient Sit Puru Demo Post
Porta Parturient Sit Purus Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.

MoboMarket - The One-Stop Application Store for Your Android

When people purchase their first Android device, they love to find and use powerful and amazing apps that can help them for different purposes. Undoubtedly, not all apps come pre-installed but we need to get them from any market and Play Store seems to be pre-installed market app for any android device. It is true that Play Store has tons of apps, both paid and free, but it doesn’t have every app of the world. Maybe, some are removed from there or developers may not have uploaded to Play Store. Play Store is not only single source to download apps for your Android but there are many other app markets which don’t only let you download apps but you can also get images, music, videos and many more things with them. Today, we’ve got one-stop application store MoboMarket Android app so let’s talk about it.
Before we get into the MoboMarket app, we’ll like to let you know about its background. There is MoboRobo Company’s hand behind this app. After the success of popular software MoboRobo which let us manage both iOS and Android devices with PC, they planned to create market for Android where they could provide apps, games, music, videos and just everything. Within sometime, it went viral and achieved 100 million installs with over 5 million daily users. This success was only possible by hard work and the great content they provided in their market. MoboMarket – The One-Stop Application Store For Android

So, Simply MoboMarket is Android marketplace for your device where you can get apps, games and many more but it has another feature that you would love and that is, performance tools which let you speed up your device and also has app manager by which you can easily manage your apps from single place. You can get collections of apps with one tap, featured, trending, also it gives you suitable apps for your device and specific apps can also be searched to download. MoboMarket has the biggest database of apps and there are monkeys behind the scene working 24/7 to bring latest apps to the market.

Sometimes, in the lower-end devices, we get Play Store issues such as “No Connection”, “Insufficient Storage Available” and many more which ruin our mood but if you had installed MoboMarket, you could download your apps with ease and without any issue. MoboMarket doesn’t require you to create account and join them but you can start enjoying apps just after installing this market. When Play Store doesn’t let us keep apk file of any app for backup, you can keep apk files with this market to have backup of your favorite apps.

This Android marketplace is not only helpful for Android users but it is also useful for developers. For developers, Maybe, your apps are already listed in Play Store or if they’re removed from there, than go for MoboMarket, submit your apps to this marketplace, once listed in the database, you’ll get tons of installs from it.
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